Losing your Societe Generale bank card

Losing your Societe Generale bank card


Can’t find your credit card? It can only be misplaced, but it can also be permanently lost, or stolen. If so, it is important to organize your ideas well, so that you can act quickly and efficiently. Here’s how.

Take stock

From a practical point of view, the first thing to do in case of loss of your bank card is to confirm that it is indeed lost. Mentally, make your way over the past few hours. Your credit card can be anywhere! In a coat pocket, in the sofa, in the car, and.

If your research definitely yields nothing, it’s time to react and proceed with an opposition on your bank card.

Now that you have determined with certainty that your card has been stolen or is lost, it is important to contact your bank as soon as possible. Together, you can oppose . In this way, you will secure your bank account and avoid any fraudulent use of it.

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Depending on the time of the week, you have different options for contacting your bank. During the week, you can go directly to your branch and talk to your adviser. Otherwise, you can always get in touch by phone. An advisor can answer you Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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Contact an information number

If you don’t know exactly who to contact or how, don’t hesitate to call an information number first. By contacting the latter, you will be in contact with advisers who will be able to guide you as best as possible. To find out more, it’s here .

What opposition procedure with Société Générale

Whether you choose to meet with a Société Générale advisor or prefer to call, remember to bring the 16-digit code of your bank card. Even if you no longer have it in your possession, you can find it online, in your account.

After your meeting with the adviser, you will have to finalize your opposition request by filling out what is called a card complaint kit. You can find the latter online. On the kit will be indicated the address to which you must send the kit once completed.

Note that if you have noticed fraudulent movements on your bank account, you can fill out a transfer dispute form also available on the site.
