Why Cam Straps Are the Best Bet for Securing Fragile Loads

Why Cam Straps Are the Best Bet for Securing Fragile Loads


Have you ever attempted to move a fragile load only to damage it as a result of your tie-down choice? I have. Fortunately, though, I learned a valuable lesson from the experience: my choice of tie-downs makes a difference. I have since come to the conclusion that cam straps are the best bet for fragile loads.

I will admit to using rope on that particular load. I didn’t want to use a ratchet strap because I was afraid that I would pull it too tightly. I figured rope was a safer bet. Unfortunately, the rope started to come loose during my journey. When I stopped to tighten things back down again, I pulled the rope too tight. The rest is history.

How Cam Straps Work

Ratchet straps and ropes are still good options for some applications. But I prefer the cam strap because its design seems ideal for fragile loads. A cam strap features a flexible webbing strap with a cam buckle on one end. The cam buckle has either a stationary or rotating cam over which the strap glides as you pull it through. Meanwhile, a metal plate grips the webbing material and holds it securely.

Cam straps are generally intended for light to moderate loads. They are not really appropriate for extremely heavy loads or commercial applications. Instead, ratchet straps are better suited to those types of jobs.

3 Reasons Cam Straps Are a Better Bet

The point of this post is explaining why Roller cam straps are the best bet for securing fragile loads. Rollercam does a fairly good job of explaining it on their website. Let me summarize by discussing three of the points they bring up:

1. More Precise Control

Ratchet straps are tightened in increments determined by the spacing of the teeth in the ratchet. Ratchet spacing is inflexible, so it is very easy to damage a fragile load by ratcheting a strap too tightly. As for rope, there is a tendency to pull it too tightly, knowing that it will loosen up along the way.

Cam straps give you more precise control by allowing you to easily pull the strap as tightly as you need it without pulling too tightly. And because the strap glides over the cam, tightening a cam strap is almost effortless.

2. Minimum Risk of Damage

Because you get more precise control with a cam strap, you also minimize potential damage. Think of anything fragile you might move. Let’s say you’re looking at an antique piano passed down through your family for generations.

You can start by tightening the strap until it is snug. Then, with the help of several observers keeping an eye on things, you can gradually tighten the strap until the piano is secure. Assuming you are using a moving blanket and a few edge protectors, you can secure the piano without a single scratch, chip, or dent.

3. Ease of Use

Finally, cam straps are incredibly easy to use. This matters when it comes to fragile loads because the hassles that come with other sorts of tie-downs can leave you frustrated and pressed for time. You could be left emotionally out of sorts to the point of no longer paying attention to what you are doing. That is when things get damaged.

I have moved a lot of fragile loads in my life. I have only damaged a couple of them. One thing I have learned over the years is that tie-downs matter. At this point, I am sold on cam straps. I believe they are the best bet for securing fragile cargo.
